Cleocin Information

The cause of most epidemics and pandemics is the type A influenza virus, its varieties are numerous, it is able to buy Cleocin pills both humans and animals - bird flu (H5N1), Spanish and swine flu (H1N1) and others, and is also capable of rapid genetic changes.

Influenza type B viruses do not usually cause epidemics and are much more easily tolerated by humans than influenza type A infection.

The incidence of influenza type C is of the nature of only isolated cases and occurs in a mild or generally asymptomatic form. Seek immediate medical attention if your general condition worsens or your temperature rises.

Diagnosis of influenza is based on a typical clinical picture. When signs of influenza appear, it is very important to constantly monitor the attending physician, which will help to identify the onset of possible complications in a timely manner and prevent them. If the state of the body improved, and then on the 4-5th day of the flu it deteriorated sharply, and the temperature rose sharply again, the cough intensified, and the general condition of the body worsened, then this is an important sign of complications. In this case, it is necessary to conduct surveys.

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This will help relieve the symptoms of intoxication of the body, improve the patient's well-being and speed up the recovery of a person. As a drink, juice, tea with lemon, raspberries, mineral alkaline waters, warm milk, drinking water have proven themselves well. Just remember, heavy drinking is contraindicated for people with kidney disease.

Light diet foodfortified with vitamins, especially vitamin C, which will reduce the burden on the body when digesting food and increase the reactivity of the immune system, thereby speeding up the fight against infection. Creating a favorable microclimate in the room is necessary to improve the respiratory function of a person. To do this, periodically ventilate the room where the patient is located, do regular wet cleaning, slightly moisten the air. In the case of active operation of heating devices, try to order cleocin pills them a little, because. active batteries burn oxygen and dry the air, which makes it not very pleasant to inhale..

Wash off sweat from the skin - this should be done due to the presence of infectious particles on the surface of the skin that protrude outward along with sweat, i.e. so as not to infect yourself again. If the temperature is high, it is better to wipe with a damp towel, but if health allows, take a shower with warm water. Antiviral drugs for influenza are prescribed in case of severe or moderate course of the disease. The drugs are effective only in the first days of the disease.

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Also, the doctor may prescribe additional studies at his discretion. Influenza treatment, in most cases, is carried out at home. Only severe illness or the presence of Cleocin of the following dangerous flu symptoms requires hospitalization. Symptoms that require hospitalization.

General, non-drug, but nevertheless very important points in the treatment of influenza are. Bed rest - necessary for the accumulation of forces by the body to order clindamycin with infection, prevention of secondary infection, as well as for epidemiological purposes, so as not to infect other people. Drinking plenty of water is necessary to remove the waste products of the infection from the body, as well as the dead infectious particles themselves, affected by immunity cells.